
Exterior Walls


Step 1

Once the Floor is modelled, model the Exterior Walls.

Move up a level.

Select the “Wall Tool” and pick the “Actually Exterior Wall” Favourite.

Step 2

Model the Exterior Walls ensuring to separate walls that intersect with differing Typologies.

Step 3

As the outline of building was drawn in the set-up stage of the project, use the Magic Wand Tool to click on the outside edge of the building. This will group all the Exterior Walls.

Note: If you are manually modelling the Exterior Walls ensure the Reference Line Location has been set to “core outside” or “outside face”. Then model the Walls by following the perimeter of the building outline so the core is inside the building. This means the Wall Orientation is correct.

Note: With all the Favourites, the Classification has been set to the part of the building the model Element belongs to.